Sunday, September 12, 2010

IceScrum2 on AWS Micro instances

It's been a while since my last post. I've been under the pump at work and job hunting as well. The announcement from AWS this week about Micro-Instances were too much of a temptation for me. A $54 yearly reservation cost works out to $9.61 reservation cost per month and $5.11 usage at $0.007/hr at 730.5 hours on average in a month. A member of the AWS user group compared it to about 4 Big macs a month at US$ 3.73. Being vegetarian I'd prefer to compare it to about 4 cups of coffee per month.

So, what to do with this new found power? I'm moving some of my development environment online. At the moment that includes:
  • A JBoss 4.2.2 staging server
  • IceScrum 2
  • Hudson integration server
I've previously covered how to get started with AWS for J2EE servers. However, there are some pitfalls using Micro Instances. First, you can only boot from EBS. This may or may not be a good thing. On the plus, your data will always be persisted regardless of shutting down the server. The main negative is the additional cost of the EBS. I'll put it at another cup of coffee a month. Second, I'm migrating my existing IceScrum instance so I need to create an instance of Amazon RDS and export my MySql data to the RDS.

IceScrum2 requires 512MB to work properly (Seriously? 512MB for a simple web-app). The micro instance comes with 613MB each. Which doesn't leave much to throw around. Still, it works well. Next, I'll be putting up Hudson.

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